Krista J Essler, LAc

Services and Rates

Initial Consultation & Treatment

$200 per session

Your current state of health is the culmination of past lifestyle, exposure to disease, and other environmental factors. An initial consultation is a comprehensive health review and generally lasts about an hour. During the Initial Consultation, your health history is evaluated, and optimal ways of achieving your health goals are discussed. Various improvements are considered forming an individualized approach in relationship to lifestyle, exercise, and food consumption habits. Acupuncture treatment is typically performed. Homeopathic remedies along with herbal and vitamin supplementation may also be recommended.

You can download a New Patient Packet to be completed before you arrive for your initial consultation. To schedule an appointment, please contact (570) 728-3438.

Follow-up Appointment

$75 per session

A Follow-up Consultation addresses both new and persistent health issues. It is an opportunity to discuss difficulties in implementing the existing recommendations. Changes may be suggested to any recommendation. Acupuncture is typically performed. In the absence of urgent or emerging issues, a six-month follow-up is recommended.

To schedule an appointment, please contact (570) 728-3438.

Follow-up Appointment after Three-Month Gap

$115 per session

A Follow-up Consultation after a three-month gap addresses changes in persistent health issues. It is also an opportunity to discuss in depth any emerging conditions. Acupuncture is typically performed. In the absence of urgent or emerging issues, a six-month follow-up is recommended.

To schedule an appointment, please contact (570) 728-3438.

Facial Rejuvenation

$45 per session; add-on service

Facial Rejuvenation is a good alternative for those who wish to reduce the signs of aging but do not want the side effects associated with a surgical facelift. In addition to full body acupuncture, needles are gently inserted into wrinkles to help cellular rejuvenation by stimulating collagen and elastin production. Krista has performed this treatment in one of New York City’s top dermatological spas. 

House Call

$150 per session; add-on service

Sometimes you have an emergency or just can't make it to the office during regular business hours. For an additional fee to an initial consultation and treatment or a follow-up treatment, you can be seen in the comfort of your own home.